Here a recorded presentation about the Mali project that is given for Eneco.
Here a recorded presentation about the Mali project that is given for Eneco.
The to be setup Malian windpower company is in need of a vehicle. The vehicle will be used to transport the people from the company to the production facility, to be able to transport materials, and also to go out to the installed turbines for service and maintenance. Stichting Katalysator has donated a Nissan KingCab… Read more »
After giving the master class on Hugh Piggott wind turbines in Tanzania, it was recognized by the participants that not everybody is familiar with the English language. During the master class this was not a very big problem, because participants could help eachother translating English into Kiswahili, which is the national language of Tanzania. However, after… Read more »
Stichting Energy Solutions for Humanity has been founded by Piet Willem Chevalier, Joost Sterenborg and Ernst Soons. This non profit organisation will promote and setup energy solutions in developing countries thereby focusing on training disadvantaged people and on providing affordable electricity to the rural area’s. It’s main focus points for now are: – Runs the… Read more »