Metmast construction movie clips

The unsteady political situation in Mali  starting in 2012 has led us to adapt our teaching approach.

Instead of going out to Mali in person to teach the EOL Mali team – we will make series of movie clips that will lead to master the required skills.

We have chosen for movie clips instead of documenting to overcome language barriers and because most of the team members in EOL Mali are illiterate. A small clip can say more than a thousand words.

Therefore we have started with making clips of our next planned teaching module: Construct and install a met mast.

Please see here below the status overview and the first movie clips created by ILWP.

For comments and tips, please email to , we highly appreciate good feedback to enhance the quality in the next revisions.

status overview


Other Material that might help understand how things can be done:

link to series of pictures about guy connections on steel tower: link

link to some pictures about installation: link