Ousmane Toure (also known as: Oussou or Kim)
Background: Ousmane is 28 years old, is father of a daughter of 2 years and the second daughter is just born.
(He just invited the whole group at the baptism!).
He is married and lives with his family in Mopti, quartier Toguel.
Religion is Moslim. Tribe is Songhoi.
He speaks Bambara, Songhoi, Peul, Bozo, French and a bit English.
Oussou finished primary school. After primary school he worked as a carpenter for 10 years.
In the beginning for a master, but now he is working for himself. He has experience with tools and machines for wood processing, and got training in the use of the machine.
He likes this course very much and wants to get more experience. Besides this he hopes to get more possibilities with this training in windmills. He is interested in getting some experience in electricity and metal work like welding as well. For the moment he is very motivated to go on with the work, and when he get more experience he might be working on innovations in the design or production process.
His hope is to get his life and for it is most important to get a chance for work.
Oussou likes joking with everybody, likes music, reading, cinema, travelling. He is not drinking or smoking but likes to eat. He doesn’t like lies and goship, honesty is very important for him.
Personal development plan:Leader of the wood department.
Expert in making the blades of the windmill.
Is able to read and write and mathematics. He has a lot of experience with wood and the same tools for wood we use now