Stichting Energy Solutions for Humanity (ESH) runs the Mali project together with Stichting Rondom Baba.
ESH (gedempte burgwal 34, 2512bv Den Haag, The Netherlands) has the ANBI status: this stands for that it has been screened and recognised as non-profit organisation by the Dutch government.
The goal of ESH is to transfer knowledge to developing countries, to support them to reach employment opportunities, and hence contribute to sustain the society – where the focus lies on renewable energy sources in the broadest sense of the word.
The following persons are in the board:
The chairman: Piet Willem Chevalier
The thesarier: Joost Sterenborg
The secretary: Ernst Soons
The board members or volunteers have no personal award schemes whatsoever.
Hereby a list of yearly activity reports including financial overviews:
The Kvk number of the Stichting Energy Solutions for humanity: 51337673