Last wednesday this master class started. In total 18 participants are attending. They have been listening allready to four lectures on various aspects of small scale wind turbines. And more to come for the next weeks! It is fantastic to feel their enthousiasm for the topic. The group is very heterogenous. Some participants had the opportunity to obtain a university degree, some are less lucky and didn’t have so much opportunities in their lives yet. During the lectures, we make sure that everybody can follow the necessary background which is needed to build and maintain a small wind turbine.

In the second part of the morning, we leave the conference room. The participants are split into three subgroups who work on one specific aspect of the turbine. This practical work consists of welding, carpentry and electronic wiring. The experience of the individual participants is divided over the groups in such a way, that in every group somebody can help or teach somebody else. For example, Wilfred can teach me to weld two pipes together in a convenient and robust way, whereas I will help him when he likes to solder the different electric phases of the stator-coils together. In this way, the group is learning rapidly!

After day number 4 we have finalized the blade assembly, then magnetic rotor disc, the electric coils, and the car hub assembly. Moreover, a lot of preparations for the tower have been made. When we proceed in this speed, we can erect the first turbine on tuesday. The group is very motivated. Yesterday (saturday) evening we needed to stop them at 5 pm, because the bus driver was waiting to drive us back to Dar Es Salaam. If you like to visit this training, please e-mail us and we will try to arrange something.