On 17th and 18th March 2016 a conference on renewable energies and wind power took place at the Lycée technique d’Ettelbruck as part of the 10 years anniversary of the project “Windmobile“. Piggott wind turbine experts from different Windempowerment groups presented their experiences related to the construction, the setting-up and the use of wind turbines. Additional… Read more »
Posts By: Marko Bosman
Windy week in Delft
The third week of January was a windy one in the Netherlands. This was a great test for our 3 m wind turbine on its wooded tower that we build last summer
WindEmpowerment conference in Athens
Four members of I-love-Windpower, Isabel, Piet, Roland and Marko, joined the second world conference of WindEmpowerment in Athens. During this one week event we shared our knowledge and experiences and discussed future plans and cooperations with people and organisations around the world.
Hands-on workshop for EWEM students in Delft
On 12 to 14 June a workshop was given in Delft, the Netherlands, for a large group of students as part of the Summer School of the European Wind Energy Masters (EWEM).
Wind turbine in Haarzuilens connected to the grid
In November 2013 a new design wooden tower has been installed in on the Emmaus site in Haarzuilens, Holland. It carries a 2.4m rotor diameter Hugh Piggott design turbine made in an earlier workshop. Finally the wind turbine has been connected to the grid using a Windyboy inverter.