After 5 years the test field for small wind turbines in Schoondijke will be terminated. During the last year we tested two types hand-build wind turbines and learned a lot about grid connection and installation. Very useful data has been collected on the performance of our turbines; power curves have been determined and high wind behavior has been monitored. Our installation has been dismantled on March 1st 2014.

The results of the performance testing can be found at the following links:
ILWP 1,8 : rotor diameter 1,8 m, 48 V, rated 350 W
ILWP 2,4 : rotor diameter 2,4 m, 48 V, rated 700 W
We also had the opportunity to compare the performance with commercial wind turbines installed on the test field. The energy yield during the test period of our turbine together with the other turbines on the field is shown in the following graphs. Because the rotor diameters are different the black dots indicate a normalized yield per rotor surface area. Also note that there are both horizontal axis (HAWT) as vertical axis (VAWT) wind turbines installed on the test field.
Comparison of ILWP 1,8 with commercial turbines during test period of 4 months at average wind speed of 4,8 m/s:
Comparison of ILWP 2,4 with commercial turbines during test period of 5 months at average wind speed of 3,6 m/s: