Tanzania News – 1 february 2011 – Two turbines installed in Singida region


This group in the Singida Master Class performed beyond every expectation!

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In the last two weeks they achieved to:

  • build 2 turbines (type HughPiggott; 3 meter diameter; peak power at 1 kW)
  • prepare 3 sites, one site at VETA-ground for testing purpose and two sites in rural area
  • weld 2 complete gin-pole constructions
  • prepare 2 electronic boards
  • install the two turbines at different rural dispensaries in the Singida region

What else to say? These facts are really impressive, given the fact that we had a ‘power-schedule’ of only one day national grid 3-phase power every two days.

Many thanks to REA, VETA, and all the participants: Joseph, Gatahwa, Tullo, Makengo, Membo, Charity, Humphrey, Ephraim, Baraka, Kayungi, Simeon, Emanuel, Matiku, Jemina, Daudi, Paul, Jakob, Ayoub, Pascal, Paul, and Thriphone.


You were a fantastic and very enthousiastic group!
