Wind turbine in Haarzuilens connected to the grid

Haarzuilens molen

In November 2013 a new design wooden tower has been installed in on the Emmaus site in Haarzuilens, Holland. It carries a 2.4m rotor diameter Hugh Piggott design turbine made in an earlier workshop. Finally the wind turbine has been connected to the grid using a Windyboy inverter.Haarzuilens toren

The initiative for the wooden design was to overcome tower solutions where steel is difficult to obtain or very expensive or the quality is unknown or difficult to manufacture. Special focus has been set on making sure no complex components are involved. Beams of 2 meter length are connected with flat steel plates that are screwed together. The tower hinges at two legs for easy maintenance.

Jasper Koot is the designer of this tower and has spent many late night hours conducting a full structural analysis. This analysis has been reviewed and approved by the Dutch government resulting in a license to place the wind turbine on the site. More information on the installation can be found on the windempowerment web site.