Tanzania News – 6 August 2010 – Wind measurements in very remote area

In close cooperation with the Tanzanian NGO ‘Better Life Tanzania’, wind measurements are started in the very remote Serengeti area. By very remote, I mean: one full day drive on tarred road, overnight stay in a hotel and another full day drive on dirt-road/piste. Everything was planned and prepared very well. Everything…, but one thing… Read more »

Tanzania News – 23 July 2010 – Traineeship Performance Measurements started

For the Windpower Tanzania project to be a success, there are several requirements that must be met. One of these requirements – finding a reliable Tanzanian partner – seems now to be fulfilled by our collaboration with REDCOT (Renewable Energy Development Company Tanzania). The first prototype of our turbine has already been constructed side by… Read more »

Tanzania News – 13 july 2010 – Creating job opportunities for disabled people

In Tanzania employment opportunities for disabled Tanzania are few and far between. Daily life is a struggle. When you drive through the city of Dar es Salaam, often you can see Tanzanians with disabilities sitting or lying close to road crossings, begging for money. There is now hope for change as the Tanzanian Government has… Read more »